Time to burn those unwanted pounds off, and here’s the way to do it effectively, safely, happily. Let’s face it, no one likes the treadmill really. The secret is yoga! Yes, you can be an incredibly effective form of exercise that not only can help you tone up, get flexible, stronger, and fitter, but also help you lose weight!
These simple yet effective yoga poses will help burn off belly fat and lose weight faster than you think!
Yoga workouts for weight loss can also help with so many other aspects, such as stress, sleep, anxiety, help build up energy and so much more. By trying these poses you will feel revived and refreshed and all with the aim of burning off those unwanted calories.
Who are these yoga poses for:
- Anyone who wants to lose weight
- Anyone who is brand new or a beginner to yoga
- Anyone looking to get fit, flexible, happy and healthy
Check out my introduction to these simple yoga poses that can help with weight loss, as well as how to and benefits behind them (and if you’re not sure, just drop me a line and I will see how I can help!)
Plank Pose (Phalakasana)
You can start this pose from either lying down on your stomach, or from downward dog position.
If you are raising upl have your hands in line with your ribs/chest, and exhale as you push up from the mat. Make sure your shoulders are rounded and your spine is straight. Keep your gaze down and don’t twist or turn your neck. Keep your body taught and use your core!
If you’re coming from downward facing dog, exhale as you lower, ebinbcarefupl not to lock the elbows out (have a slight, soft bend), and again use the breath and
Firmly grip the mat, round the shoulders and upper back, and keep your butt in line with the rest of your body. Don’t let your body sag at all. Stay firm and tight, and the abs will do all the work for you!
Hold for 30 seconds. Work up to holding it for 2 minutes.
Side Plank Variation (Vasisthasana)
You can start this pose in plank, moving your left or right hand to the middle, directly beneath the shoulder. As you move to the side, angle or tilt your feet so you are either balancing on the outside edge, or have one foot in front of the other for support. Your opposite hand can be raised upwards, or placed on your hip for more support if needed.
Slowing reach the top leg up, and bring it to the top hand, seeing if you can reach the toes for a more advance position. Keep the leg straight if you can do this (although this variation requires a lot of strength so build up to this if you need to). Work on your flexibility and over time you will get there.
Upward (Reverse) Plank Pose (Purvottanasana)
Plank pose is great for building core strength, and reverse plank is a tried and tested pose if you’re looking to tone up and lose weight.
Start in a sitting position, legs out in front of you and hands either side of you by your glutes, fingers can be pointed forward or backwards. Keep your feet together and as you exhale, push up from the floor using your core strength. If you feel comfortable, drop your head behind you. Try and lift your body up so your pelvis is in line with the rest of your body, and hold for 30 seconds!
Bridge Variation (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
This is a variation on wheel pose, and if you are still fairly new to yoga this is a great posture to not only build up strength but also confidence in this pose. Start by lying on your back, knees bent and feet hip width apart and arms by your sides with the palms facing down. Inhale and as you exhale lift your hips and glutes, using your glutes and core strength to power you up.
Keep your head straight to avoid any movement on the neck, and in this position your upper back, shoulders and feet should be the only parts touching the mat. Adjust as you need to, and if you want mor4 of a challenge you can raise one leg at a time and hold. Your other knee should be bent and supporting you. Hold for 10-15 seconds and then swap legs.
Superman Pose (Viparita Shalabhasana)
Start by lying on your stomach for this pose. The aim is to be lying on the floor, looking forward as if you’re flying like superman!
Your arms can be by your side or in front of you, legs together so you can use some core and glute strength. As you inhale lift your arms and legs (or whatever you can), and hold for 15-20 seconds (breathing all the time!) Make sure your stomach and hips are rooted to the floor.
Build up to holding for 1 minute.
Four-Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana)
Try this plank variation to strengthen your core, and feel the burn in your arms to get a tighter, toned abdomen. This is almost like doing a push up. You can start this in plank or come into it from downward dog. From either position, lower yourself down, keeping your elbows in hugging your ribs or chest.
Make sure your body is in one straight line, and then as you exhale lower your upper body down, as you rock forward slightly on your toes. Lift your glutes higher than your torso and make sure your core is engaged.
Try and hold for 20-30 seconds and build up to 1 minute.
Wheel Pose (Chakrasana)
This is a more advances pose, but it’s definitely something you can work up to, depending on how flexible you are.
Start on your back, with your knees bent and feet hip width apart. Take your hands up to your head, palms face down. As you exhale push up from the floor using core strength and pushing up with your hands and feet.
Keep your elbows in as much as possible as they can stick out in this pose. Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat 2-3 times (or as much as feels comfortable).
Wheel Pose (Chakrasana)
This is a more advances pose, but it’s definitely something you can work up to, depending on how flexible you are.
Start on your back, with your knees bent and feet hip width apart. Take your hands up to your head, palms face down. As you exhale push up from the floor using core strength and pushing up with your hands and feet.
Keep your elbows in as much as possible as they can stick out in this pose. Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat 2-3 times (or as much as feels comfortable).
Half Moon Pose (Ardha Candrāsana)
This can be a challenging pose, so take your time and build up to this, or use props until you feel comfortable with this.
The goal is to open the body so whatever side you’re facing you are as open as possible, not facing to the mat. Have the legs open 3-4 feet, the front foot facing forward, and the back foot once lifted make sure that is pointed out to the side as well.
If you’re starting out and don’t feel comfortable to balance whilst keeping your standing leg straight then you can bend the leg, and the allow your hand touch the floor or yoga block (link)
Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
Boat Pose (Navasana)
Start by raising your legs up slowly, to almost a 45 degree angle. You can use arms to offer balance and support. If you feel steady enough, raise your arms level to your knees. This might take some time to practice so don’t worry if you don’t get there right away!
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Hold this pose for between 20-30 seconds, and repeat 1-3 times if you can, working up to holding the pose for about 1 minute when you have built up to that.
Crow Pose (Bakasana)
Another advanced pose, but is again great as part of a yoga sequence to help support with weight loss.
Start in a squatting position, balancing on your toes and hands on the floor in front of you. Place your knees on your upper arms (between the elbow and shoulder), and as close to your armpits as possible. Begin to move your weight forward until your feet start to come off the ground and your arms are holding your weight.
If you need support you can modify by using blocks under your feet to elevate you or placing knees closer together. Or even putting them outside your elbows (but not putting too much pressure on the joints). Hold for 20-30 seconds or as long as you can.
Aim to build up to holding each pose for 30 seconds or more before moving onto the next pose. You can rest at any point in between each pose. Once you have tried all 12 poses, make sure you rest for at least 1 minute.
Repeat the poses and switch sides for the second round of poses so you are working all sides of the body. Repeat as many times as you want, just make sure you do the same amount on each side of the body, and rest in between each round of poses.
You can stay in the poses for any amount of time that feels nice, find what feels good and what you think your body needs.
If you want to explore any other poses and tips to help with your yoga practice and to help transform your body then download the Yoga Guides Top Tips for Beginners as a good place to start. You can also access the Weight Loss for Beginners Guide, which includes all the poses, how-to’s and benefits of yoga poses to help you lose weight.
These guides off a great way to start your yoga journey, or help if you’re looking to lose weight, tone up, get fit, flexible happy and healthy. It will give you step by step ways to burn the fat, and with regular practice you should start to see the difference.
Download the Yoga Weight Loss Guide here for FREE
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